Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya Unibersity, | 論文
- Observation of Parallel and Perpendicular Propagations of Ion Sound Waves in a Linear Turbulently Heated Plasma
- Surface Amination of Biopolymer Using Surface-Wave Excited Ammonia Plasma
- Injection-Locked Mode-Beating in TEA CO_2 Laser as a High-Power Modulation Method
- Spatial Evolution of the Ion Acoustic Instability in a Weakly Ionized Plasma
- Observation of Ion Acoustic Wave by Microwave Scattering Method
- Observation of Angular Spectrum of Ion Wave Turbulence
- Distribution Measurement in k-Space of Ion Acoustic Wave by Microwave Scattering
- Observation of Nonlinear Decay of Ion Acoustic Wave by Microwave Scattering Method
- Distribution in k-Space of Ion Acoustic Wave Excited in a Positive Column
- Propagation of a Coherent Ion Acoustic Wave through Ion Wave Turbulence
- Formation of Localized Plasma in Pulsed Microwave Discharge
- Observations of Time-Dependent Asymmetric Spectra of Density Fluctuations in a Linear Turbulently Heated Plasma by Far-Infrared Laser Scattering
- Spectroscopic Measurement of Cyclotron Radiations from Linear Device with Field-Gradient along the Axis
- Some Characteristics of a Linear Turbulently Heated Plasma as Observed by a Secondary Emission Detector
- Production of Volume Wave Plasma with Internally Mounted Cylindrical Planar Microwave Launcher and Two-Dimensional Field Analysis Using Finite Difference Time Domain Method