Faculty of Education, Niigata University | 論文
- Realization of Symmetry in the ERG Approach to Quantum Field Theory
- ALOS-PALSAR Quad-Pol Image Analysis by Four-component Scattering Power Decomposition(WSANE 2009 (Workshop for Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics))
- 基礎物理学に関する年表(ver. 2006. 8. 1)(ひろば)
- Modification of Ray-Launching Method for Accurate 2D Indoor Propagation Analysis
- Physiotherapy Program through Home Visits for Community-Dwelling Elderly Japanese Women with Mild Knee Pain
- 格子超対称性と市松模様格子上の理論(基研研究会「格子ゲージ理論の新しい芽と発展」,研究会報告)
- Exact BRS Symmetry Realized along the Renormalization Group Flow
- アドバンシング物理を利用した理科の大学初年次講義II : 気体分子運動論をめぐって
- 京都府,大江山(河守)超塩基性岩中の十字石と藍晶石
- Analysis of Cognitive Visual Structure through Multidimensional Scaling Using "The Island" as Source Material
- Analysis of Cognitive Visual Structure through Multidimensional Scaling-Using "the Island" as Source Material
- A Multiple-Valued Immune Network and Its Applications
- Electromagnetic Plane Wave Scattering by a Loaded Trough on a Ground Plane
- Chapter II Stability of Chiral Solitons
- Four-Phase Structure of ρ Meson Coupled Skyrmions on S^3 : Particles and Fields
- Multi-Skyrmion with ρ and ω Mesons : Particles and Fields
- Genuine Symmetry of a Staggered Fermion(Particles and Fields)
- 24aWK-2 アドバンシング物理を利用した理科の初年度講義(物理教育(カリキュラム,教育方法・実践,教材研究・開発),領域13(物理教育,物理学史,環境物理))
- Investigation on Seasonal Water Area Change in Lake Sakata Based on POLSAR Image Analysis(Sensing,2006 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation)
- POLSAR image analysis of Chuetsu-Earthquake area using a modified four-component scattering power decomposition (宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス)