Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science, Hirosaki University | 論文
- Effects of micro-environmental factors on photosynthetic CO_2 uptake and carbon fixation metabolism in a spring ephemeral, Erythronium japonicum, growing in native and open habitats
- The Pro-Form of Stereum purpureum Endopolygalacturonase I Is Inactivated by a Pro-Sequence in the C-Terminal Region
- Influence of Percolation Patterns on Growth and Yield of Rice Plants and Uptake of Cadmium from Polluted Paddy Fields Using Soil Dressing Models
- NEW KARYOTYPE OF THE FRESHWATER PLANARIAN SEIDLIA AURICULATA COLLECTED FROM SHIRAKAMI MOUNTAINS(Genetics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Total Synthesis of Both Enantiomers of Dictyochromenol and their (Z)-Isomers(Organic Chemistry)
- Fermentation quality, digestibility and unhulled rice excretion of forage paddy rice silage prepared by different harvester types
- Hyaloscyphaceae in Japan (3) : Venturiocistella japonica sp. nov.
- Cardiac Pacing System Based on Fuzzy Logic
- Cloning of the Gene Encoding an Endo-Acting Pectate Lyase from Streptomyces thermocarboxydus
- P-48 Isolation, structure determination, and biological properties of cyclothiazomycins B1 and B2
- Characteristics and Propionate Production of Propionibacterium Isolated from a Methane fermentation Digester
- Overexpression of a fungal laccase gene induces nondehiscent anthers and morphological changes in flowers of transgenic tobacco
- Increased Cell-Wall Mass and Resistance to Freezing and Snow Mold during Cold Acclimation of Winter Wheat under Field Conditions(Crop Physiology and Ecology)
- Conversion of Lactate to Methane by Triculture of a Sulfate Reducer and Methanogens
- CLONING OF HOM/HOX GENE AND THE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS DURING EMBRYOGENESIS IN THE MARINE PLANARIAN POLYCLAD, PSEUDOSTYLOCHUS INTERMEDIUS(Developmental Biology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Role of Cylindrosporium-type conidia of Mycosphaerella pomi (Pass.) Lindau : cause of Brooks fruit spot of apple, as an infection source in apple orchards
- Cytotoxic Antifeedant from Dionaea muscipula Ellis : A Defensive Mechanism of Carnivorous Plants against Predators
- Isolation and Identification of an Anti-Bolting Compound, Hexadecatrienoic Acid Monoglyceride, Responsible for Inhibition of Bolting and Maintenance of the Leaf Rosette in Radish Plants
- Caracterization of Water-Soluble Organic Matter in Soils by Size Exclusion Chromatography and Fractionation with Polyvinylpyrrolidone