Faculty Of Science Osaka University | 論文
- Angular Momentum Effect in Nonthermal Populations of Rotational States of OH Split from Hydrogen Peroxide
- Relationship between milk production and plasma concentrations of oxidative stress markers during hot season in primiparous cows
- Effect of high environmental temperatures on ascorbic acid, sulfhydryl residue and oxidized lipid concentrations in plasma of dairy cows
- Antiradical function of sulfhydryl residues and oxidative stress markers in dairy cattle plasma
- The Crystal Structures of Magnesium Formate Dihydrate and Manganous Formate Dihydrate
- The Crystal Structure of Monoclinic Formate Dihydrates
- Initial Distributions of Vibrational and Rotational Populations Predicted by Statistical Model for Two Diatomic Species Split from Four-Atomic Complex
- Statistical Model for Vibrational-Rotational Population Distribution of Diatomic Molecule in Splitting of Four-Atomic Complex into Three Pieces
- Protection of Scallop Sarcoplasmic Reticulum ATPase from Thermal Inactivation by Removal of Calcium from High_affinity Binding Sites on the Enzyme
- Ammonia-Assimilating Microbes in the Animal Waste Treatment Systems
- Ammonia-assimilating microbes in microbial community in a lagoon for wastewater from paddock of dairy cattle
- Characterization of ammonia-assimilating bacteria in a lagoon for wastewater from a paddock of dairy cattle
- Design Methodology of Deep Submicron CMOS Devices for 1 V Operation (Special Issue on Low-Power LSI Technologies)
- Low-Voltage and Power CMOS Technology
- Impurity Distribution on the Sites of β-Mn Structure for Mn (Co),Mn (Fe) and Mn (Ni) Alloys
- X-Ray Diffraction Study on Symmethry of β-Mn Structure
- Mgnetic Properties of High-Pressure Synthesized Tm-Ca-Cu-O
- MagneticProperties of High-Pressure Synthesized Tm-Ca-Cu-O
- Photoemission Study of Fe_3O_4
- Magnetism and Crystal Symmetry of α-Mn