Faculty Of Information Science And Technology Aichi Prefectural University | 論文
- Edge Detection from Noisy Images Using a Neural Edge Detector
- Neural Filter with Selection of Input Features and Its Application to Image Quality Improvement of Medical Image Sequences
- On Signal Processing for Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Application to Great Earthquake Prediction
- Robust Dependency Parsing of Spontaneous Japanese Spoken Language(Speech Corpora and Related Topics, Corpus-Based Speech Technologies)
- Example-Based Query Generation for Spontaneous Speech
- Theoretical Investigation on Required Number of Bits for Monochrome Density Images on High-Luminance Electronic Display(Image)
- On Liveness of Time POC Nets with the Static Fair Condition
- A method for compensation of image distortion with image registration technique
- Membrane property modulates the receptive field size of retinal horizontal cells
- Ionic current model of rabbit retinal horizontal cell
- The role of calcium spike in shaping light responses of retinal bipolar cell
- Road surface condition detection technique based on image taken by camera attached to vehicle rearview mirror
- A study of the road surface condition detection technique for deployment on a vehicle
- A Context Model Approach to Anaphora Resolution in Database-Oriented Discouse
- Confluence Property of Simple Frames in Dynamic Term Rewriting Calculus
- Mechanizing Explicit Inductive Equational Reasoning by DTRC
- Azim: Direction-Based Service System for Both Indoors and Outdoors(Application, Ubiquitous Networks)
- D-5-8 Preemptive Abstraction : Combining top-down methods for aiding natural language acquisition
- Study of Water Motion at the Dissolved Oxygen Minimum Layer and Local Oxygen Consumption Rate from the Lagrangian Viewpoint
- Verifying Structurally Weakly Persistent Net Is Co-NP Complete