Faculty Of Human Development Hakuoh University | 論文
- Influence of Exercise Intensity on Cognitive Processing and Arousal Level in the Central Nervous System
- Effects of Task-Responding Manipulations on P300 and S-R Compatibility
- 1P5:Modulation of Contingent Negative Variation (CNV) during repetition of reaction task
- LOng-term Potentiation in the Motor Cortex Evoked by Paired Associative Stimulation
- The Interactive Effects of Exercise Intensity and Duration on Cognitive Processing in the Central Nervous System
- 2A-15 Influences of exercise intensity on arousal level(Neuronal Function, The Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 30-31, (Tokyo))
- 2A-05 Differential influences of exercise duration on cognitive function in high intensity exercise(Neuronal Function, The Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 30-31, (Tokyo))
- Effects of Habitual Moderate Exercise on Response Processing and Cognitive Processing in Older Adults
- P2-17 Resource allocation and somatosensory P300 during dual task : Effects of tracking speed and predictability of tracking direction(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
- P2-15 Differential influences of exercise duration on information processing in the central nervous system(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
- P1-17 Event-related potential study of optimal exercise intensity on information processing(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
- Effect of Whole Body Vibration Stimulus and Voluntary Contraction on Motoneuron Pool
- 1AD8 Balance control and postural reactions to perturbations in athletes(The Proceeding of the 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 29-30, (Hiroshima))
- 2A-04 Effects of exercise on event-related potentials in children(Neuronal Function, The Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 30-31, (Tokyo))
- 2Q08 The differences between children and adults ERPs morphology, amplitude and latency to target and non-target stimuli in five tasks
- P300 Before and Affer Transient Hard Exercise
- Modulation of Contingent Negative Variation (CNV)and EEG Frequency Band in Difference of Task Condition -SPEED TASK vs. ACCURACY TASK-
- 1P1:Movement-related cortical potentials with wrist flexion in children
- 2B-08 The effects of sleep deprivation on P300 (event related potentials)
- 2B-06 The relationship of different CNV paradigm and motor response