Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo | 論文
- Josephson Junctions with Short Semiconductor Links Separated by Osidized Layer
- 31a-XM-3 Spectral Theory of Non-Self Adjoint Operator for Shear-Flow MHD
- Experimental Head Injury with Lateral Impact Using Monkeys (Preliminary Report) : Dynamic and Pathological Investigation
- Experimental Head Injury in Monkeys : Concussion and Its Tolerance Level
- Theoretical Analysis of the Interaction between Two Burning Fuel Droplets : Part 1, Identical Droplet Case
- Reducing scheduling overheads in dynamically reconfigurable processors (VLSI設計技術)
- Reducing scheduling overheads in dynamically reconfigurable processors (コンピュータシステム)
- Reducing scheduling overheads in dynamically reconfigurable processors (リコンフィギャラブルシステム)
- 電子工学教育における基礎科学の重要性 (日本学術会議 科学教育シンポジウム)
- Procedure Level Data Flow Processing on Dynamic Structure Multimicroprocessors
- Computerized Automatic Logic Analysis System:CALAS
- Anomalies prior to HCP→FCC Martensitic Transformation in Fe-18.6% Mn Alloy as Observed by Mossbauer Effect
- Photoinduced Current of a CuO/ZnO Thin-Film Heterojunction in Humid Atmosphere
- Retrieval Property of Attractor Network with Synaptic Depression(General)
- Fundamental Studies on the Control of Turbulent Boundary Layers : 1st Report, Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Velocity Profiles and Parameters with and without Adverse Pressure Gradient, with Uniform Suction through a Porous Flat Plate
- Implications for Top-Down Control of Phytoplankton Species Succession Within a Large Coastal Mesocosm
- Measurement of Strain in an Elastic Plate Due to Impulsive Pressure
- 2. Measurement of Fullscale Ship Wake by Tracer and Multi TV Camera System
- 4. A Nonlinear Theory for Supercavitating Foil Sections
- The AMS Extension to System Level Design Language-SpecC(System Level Design,VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)