Faculty Of Engineering Musashi Institute Of Technology | 論文
- An Automatic Summary Generation Method of Baseball Games (Content-based Processing and Retrieval)(International Workshop On Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT2004))
- Simplified calculation method for noise reduction by barriers on the ground
- A Systematic Synthesis of the Layer Arrangements of Planar Mechanisms
- Research into the Layer Arrangements of Six-Bar Mechanisms : Series C : Vibration, Control Engineering, Engineering for Industry
- Electron Tunneling through Chemical Oxide of Silicon
- Electron Tunneling through Chemical Oxide of Silicon
- A 25-nm-pitch GaInAs/InP Buried Structure Using Calixarene Resist
- Seventy-nm-Pitch Patterning on CaF_2 by e-beam Exposure
- ULSIゲート絶縁膜の高輝度軟X線・硬X線光電子分光 (特集/放射光利用とナノテクノロジー)
- 23pZN-4 極薄Si酸化膜の表面と界面の構造 : 膜成長にともなう構造変化
- Effect of Preoxide on the Structure of Thernmal Oxide
- プレオキサイドを介した水素終端Si(111)面の初期酸化過程
- Initial Stage of SiO_2/Si Interface Formation on Si(111) Surface
- Possible Origin of the Gamma-ray Discrepancy in the Summation Calculations of Fission Product Decay Heat
- 高音圧による圧電高分子の電気的、化学的ダメージ
- Effect of Ultrasonic Intensity on Sprouting
- Measurement of Electric Field Dsitributions in Solid Dielectrics Using Ultrasonic Waves : Acoustical Measurements and Instrumentation
- Variation of Pressure Waveforms in Measurements of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripter
- A Miniature Hydrophone for High Acoustic Pressures : Ultrasonic Motor, Actuator and Transducer
- 60GHz mixer MMIC for millimeter wave radar