Faculty Of Computer Science And System Engineering Okayama Prefectural University | 論文
- A-003 大域的最適化に対する逆正接型トンネリングアルゴリズムの提案(A分野:モデル・アルゴリズム・プログラミング,一般論文)
- A Novel 180-Degree 3dB Hybrid Using a Cylindrical Cavity (Special Issue on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology)
- Analysis of Post-Wall Waveguide Based on H-Plane Planar Circuit Approach
- 表面修飾した脂質二分子膜と水溶性高分子
- リノレン酸メチルの自動酸化中におけるトリプシン阻害および促進物質の同時発現--トリプシン阻害物質の確認
- Analysis of Wave Guidance by Surface-Relief Grating Waveguides for Oblique Propagation (Special Issue on the 1992 Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory)
- Cruciform Directional Couplers in E-Plane Rectangular Waveguide(Passive Devices/Circuits,Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Technology)
- Multi-Stage, Multi-Way Microstrip Power Dividers with Broadband Properties(Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves)
- Broadband Multi-Way Microstrip Power Dividers(Recent Trends of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Passive Circuit Components and Technologies for Improvement of Characteristics)
- Asymmetrical Coupled-HNRD-Guide Directional Couplers with Flat Coupling
- Analysis and Design of Integrated Structures of (H) NRD Guide and E-Plane Waveguide Based on Transverse(Special Issue on Millimeter-Wave Circuits and Fabrication Technologies Opening up the 21st Century)
- Computational Methods for Surface Relief Gratings Using Electric and Magnetic Flux Expansions(EM Analysis, Wireless Technologies and Computational Electromagnetics)
- フォスファチジルコリン/セラミド3混合単分子膜および混合二分子膜中でのドメイン形成と相分離
- Scattering of Electromagnetic Wave by Double Periodic Array with a Dielectric Substrate
- Color Specification for Structural Colors by Using Reflection Spectrum
- Consideration of Pause Frame Transmission Methods for Switching Hubs, Vol.J86-B,No.3, pp.590-594
- A BiCMOS Analog Neural Network with Dynamically Updated Weights
- I-069 BP-RRCの動的しきい値決定法(I分野:グラフィクス・画像,一般論文)
- M-074 周辺の色相情報を考慮した道路形状情報の統合手法(ユビキタス・モバイルコンピューティング,一般論文)
- リポソームの物理化学的特性に及ぼすカルボキシアシルホスファチジルエタノールアミン誘導体の影響