Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University | 論文
- 次亜塩素酸ナトリウム溶液のミズカビ病原因菌, Saprolegnia parasiticaに対する殺菌効果
- 養殖魚におけるナリジクス酸及びニフルスチレン酸ナトリウムの薬物速度論的研究
- 養殖ウナギ血清及び筋肉中のオキシテトラサイクリンのHPLC簡易定量
- 琵琶湖およびその周辺水域における特定外来生物カワヒバリガイの分布状況
- 真珠形成と品質 : 宝石素材
- Enhanced Growth and Nodule Occupancy of Red Kidney Bean and Soybean Inoculated with Soil Aggregate-Based Inoculant
- Improved Survival of Nutrient-Starved Cells of Rhizobium tropici CIAT899 in Acid Soil Associated with High AI^ and Mn^ Contents
- Free Radical Injury in Rice Leaf under Zn Deficiency
- Characterization of Mycorrhizas Formed by Glomus sp. on Roots of Hypernodulating Mutants of Lotus japonicus
- Isolation of Two Different Phenotypes of Mycorrhizal Mutants in the Model Legume Plant Lotus japonicus after EMS-Treatment
- Simple Method of Genomic DNA Extraction from Rhizobia in Dried Nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris for Strain Differentiation by PCR-Based DNA Fingerprinting
- 8-18 Effect of nutrient starvation on survival, stress resistance and competitive nodulation ability of Rhizobium tropici CIAT899.
- 8-9 The influence of mycorrhizal colonization on condensed tannin synthesis in root and shoot of Lotus japonicus.
- Basic Subsite Theory Assumptions May Not Be Applicable to Hydrolysis of Cellooligosaccharides by Almond β-Glucosidase
- Changes in the Level of Protein and Activity of Cu/Zn-Superoxide Dismutase in Zinc Deficient Rice Plant, Oryza sativa L.
- Effect of Cinchomeronic Acid and Related Compounds on the Growth of Radish Seedlings
- Biosynthesis and Metabolism of Trigonelline in Lemna paucicostata 151(Biological Chemistry)
- Effects of Schizophyllan on Regeneration of Protoplast Cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Antitumor Effects of (1⇾3)-β-D-Glucan and(1⇾6)-β-D-Glucan Purified from Newly Cultivated Mushroom, Hatakeshimeji : Lyophyllum decastes Sing.
- Multiple Tolerance of Rhodotorula glutinis R-1 to Acid, Aluminum Ion and Manganese Ion, and Its Unusual Ability of Neutralizing Acidic Medium