Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University | 論文
- 鯨類資源研究の最前線 : 鯨類資源の持続的利用は可能か,加藤秀弘・大隅清治共編,生物研究社,2002年,B5判,212頁,3000円
- Comparative external morphology of cetacean spermatozoa
- 卵比重の差を利用した海産魚類の新しい卵質評価法
- Effect of reward level on the number of food demands in yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata
- Nocturnal/diurnal demand-feeding pattern of yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata under different keeping conditions
- Baseline and Stand Structural Attributes Changes in Arid Woodland Vegetation
- Relation between Growth of Planted Trees and Soil Chemical Properties in Afforestation Sites of Semi-arid Land, WA
- Basic data of research project on large scale afforestation of arid land for carbon fixation near Leonora in Western Australia (小特集 沙漠工学分科会)
- Biomass Growth Estimation of an Afforestation Site and Natural Forests in an Arid Land of Western Australia
- Death of Trees in the Wheat Belt in Western Australia : Identification of the Causes by Chemical Analysis of Soil
- Development of Integrated Simulator of Water Transport and Plant Growth as an Evaluation Tool of Arid Land Afforestation for CO_2 Fixation
- Comparative Analysis between Biomass and Topographic Features in an Arid Land, Western Australia
- Restructuring and Afforestation of Hardpan Area to Sequester Carbon
- 有明海におけるホトトギスガイ(イガイ科)の幼生加入過程
- Phylogenetic relationships and generic affinity of Uncinula septata inferred from nuclear rDNA sequences
- A new species of Brasiliomyces (Erysiphaceae) on Dalbergia cultrata var. cultrata from Thailand
- Three new species of the genus Leveillula from Iran
- 熱帯性ヒバリガイ属 2 種における浮游幼生及び初期稚貝の殻形態
- 沖縄島金武湾の海草藻場におけるホソスジヒバリガイの繁殖周期と産卵
- P-13 熱帯性イガイ科 2 種の幼生形態と初期生活史(平成 12 年度大会(山口)研究発表要旨)