Faculty Of Bioresources Mie University | 論文
- Mechanochemical properties of ordinary and dark muscle myosins from seawater fish
- 捕鯨モラトリアムから四半世紀 (特集:水産資源と環境)
- 飼育イルカの繁殖生理に関する基礎と応用研究 (特集 イルカ研究と水族館)
- 国内における近年の鯨類の生物学的研究 (総特集 鯨骨生物群集(2))
- 「鯨類研究の現在と展望」にあたって (総特集 鯨類研究の現在と展望)
- 伊勢・三河湾ストランディングネットワーク構築に向けて一提案 (特集 スナメリ)
- Cloning, DNA Sequencing, and Expression of the β1,4-Mannanase Gene from a Marine Bacterium, Vibrio sp. Strain MA-138
- Fistupyrone, a Novel Inhibitor of the Infection of Chinese Cabbage by Alternaria brassicicola, from Streptomyces sp. TP-A0569
- 二枚貝アサリRuditapes philippinarumの懸濁粒子の捕捉サイズ
- 隣接する河口干潟における底生動物の分布
- Multiplication of isolate R-5 of Streptomyces galbus on rhododendron leaves and its production of cell wall-degrading enzymes
- Disease Resistance of Tissue-cultured Seedlings of Rhododendron after Treatment with Streptomyces sp. R-5
- Association of Induced Disease Resistance of Rhododendron Seedlings with Inoculation of Streptomyces sp. R-5 and Treatment with Actinomycin D and Amphotericin B to the Tissue-culture Medium
- Studies on Endophytic Actinomycetes (I) : Streptomyces sp. Isolated from Rhododendron and Its Antifungal Activity
- Sequence of the Clostridium thermocellum Mannanase Gene man26B and Characterization of the Translated Product
- C-protein (MyBP-C) isoforms from carp ordinary and dark muscles and muscle type-specific binding to myosin
- 三河湾湾口部におけるスナメリの分布密度の季節変化
- Fungicidal activities of horseradish extract on a fish-pathogen oomycetes, Saprolegnia parasitica
- ホトケドジョウの腹部白色線形状を利用した個体識別
- タイ産ミズカビ病原因菌Saprolegnia diclinaに対する次亜塩素酸ナトリウムの殺菌効果