Faculty Of Applied Bioscience Tokyo University Of Agriculture | 論文
- Construction and Characterization of Escherichia coli Disruptants Defective in the yaeM Gene
- Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Peanut Skin and Its Fractions : A Case Record of Rats Fed on a High-Cholesterol Diet
- Cloning of the Gene Cluster Responsible for Biosynthesis of KS-505a (Longestin), a Unique Tetraterpenoid
- Differences in Early Cleavage Rates of In Vitro Produced Bovine Embryos Classified According to the Completion of Their First Cleavage
- Participation of Phytochrome in the Photoregulation of Terpenoid Synthesis in Thyme Seedlings
- Enzymatic Properties of Futalosine Hydrolase, an Enzyme Essential to a Newly Identified Menaquinone Biosynthetic Pathway
- A Substance Inhibiting the Growth of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Duhat(Sizygium cumini Skeels) Bark
- Effects of Dietary n-3/n-6 and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid/Saturated Fatty Acid Ratios on Platelet Aggregation and Lipid Metabolism in Rats
- Dietary Fiber Suppresses Elevations of Uric Acid and Allantoin in Serum and Urine Induced by Dietary RNA and Increases Its Excretion to Feces in Rats
- Active vitamin D and its analogs as drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis : advantages and problems
- 12.B_補酵素関与ジオールデヒドラターゼのグリセロールによる不活性化の機構と不活性化抵抗性酵素の再設計(第427回研究協議会研究発表要旨,ビタミンB研究委員会)
- Ammocidins B, C and D, new cytotoxic 20-membered macrolides from Saccharothrix sp. AJ9571
- Napyradiomycin A1, an inhibitor of mitochondrial complexes I and II
- Branched fatty acids inhibit the biosynthesis of menaquinone in Helicobacter pylori
- Isolation and structure elucidation of tumescenamides A and B, two peptides produced by Streptomyces tumescens YM23-260
- Terpenoids produced by actinomycetes : isolation, structural elucidation and biosynthesis of new diterpenes, gifhornenolones A and B from Verrucosispora gifhornensis YM28-088
- 2-II-5 ビタミンB_補酵素関与エタノールアミンアンモニアリアーゼの基質結合アミノ酸残基の機能解析(一般演題要旨,第65回大会講演要旨)
- 2-II-10 3種類のKlebsiella oxytocaコバラミン・アデノシルトランスフェラーゼに関する酵素化学的研究(一般演題要旨,第65回大会講演要旨)
- 9.ジオールデヒドラターゼの活性維持システムによる補欠分子族型補酵素のリサイクリング(第431回研究協議会研究発表要旨,ビタミンB研究委員会)
- 7. Klebsiellaの4つのコバラミン・アデノシルトランスフェラーゼに関する酵素化学的研究(第432回研究協議会研究発表要旨,ビタミンB研究委員会)