- Quantitative Analysis of In Densityin Semi-Insulating GaAs by Photoluminescence
- Nondestructive Resistivity Measurement of Semi-Insulating GaAs Using Illuminated n^+-GaAs Contacts
- Optical Observation of Inhomogeneity of Chromium-Doped Semi-Insulating GaAs
- Current Limitation Induced by Infrared Light in n-Type GaAs Thin Layers on Semi-Insulating Cr-Doped GaAs
- Substrate Bias Effect on Ion-Implanted GaAs MESFETs
- Residual Donors in High Purity Gallium Arsenide Epitaxially Grown from Vapor Phase
- Photo-Ionization Cross Section Measurements of Deep Levels in Iron Doped GaAs
- The Vapor Growth of Pb_Sn_xTe Single Crystals
- The Temperature Dependence of Hall Coefficient of Pb_Sn_Te Single Crystals
- Photoluminescence of GaAs Grown by Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- Liquid Phase Epitaxial Growth of In_Ga_xP
- Fabrication of DC-SQUIDs and Their Characteristics for Digital Applications : C-2: JOSEPHSON DEVICES
- Electrical Properties of n-Type Gallium Arsenide at High Temperatures
- Hot Electron Effect in Short n^+nn^ GaAs
- Photoluminescence Study of Carbon Doped Gallium Arsenide
- Near Band-Edge Photoluminescence of Zn, Cd, Si and Ge Doped Epitaxial GaAs
- GaP Liquid Phase Epitaxial Growth Using a Vertical Furnace System
- The Edge Overgrowth in Selective Deposition of GaAs
- Chemical Etching of Germanium with H_3PO_4-H_2O_2-H_2O Solution
- Electroreflectance Measurements on Cd_xHg_Te