- A Study of Native Defects in Ag-doped HgCdTe by Positron Annihilation
- A Combinatorics Proliferation Model with Threshold for Malware Countermeasure
- Influence of Reflection Coefficients of RF Filters to Performance of Power Amplifiers and their Suppression Using Quadrature Hybrids
- A Combinatorics Proliferation Model with Threshold for Malware Countermeasure
- Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect in RF Sputtered Co-Cr Film with Perpendicular Anisotropy
- Extending Bleichenbacher's Forgery Attack
- Evaluation of (Pb, La)(Zr, Ti)O_3 (PLZT) Capacitors of Different Film Thicknesses with Pt/SrRuO_3 Top Electrodes
- Design and Application of Ferroelectric Memory Based Nonvolatile SRAM(New System Paradigms for Integrated Electronics)
- Circuits for CMOS High-Speed I/O in Sub-100nm Technologies (Interface and Interconnect Techniques, VLSI Design Technology in the Sub-100nm Era)
- Growth of Low Dislocation Density GaSb Single Crystals by Czochralski Method
- Temperature Dependence of the Coercive Force and the Anisotropy Constant in MnBi Thin Film
- Influences of Residual Gases on Magnetization of MnBi Thin Films
- Threshold Voltage Instability of 45-nm-node Poly-Si-or FUSI-Gated SRAM Transistors Caused by Dopant Lateral Diffusion in Poly-Si
- 16.4 Color LCD for Character and TV Display Addressed by Self-Aligned a-Si : H TFT (Report on 1986 SID International Symposium)
- Built-In Microplanar Lens for Light Coupling to Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Waveguide
- Full-Quantum chemical calculation of the absorption maximum of bacteriorhodopsin: a comprehensive analysis of the amino acid residues contributing to the opsin shift
- Silicon-Wire Waveguide Based External Cavity Laser for Milliwatt-Order Output Power and Temperature Control Free Operation with Silicon Ring Modulator
- 2F1400 全原子量子化学計算によるレチナールタンパク質の吸収波長制御機構の解析(光生物-視覚,光受容II,口頭発表,日本生物物理学会第50回年会(2012年度))
- Magnetic Disturbance Detection Method for Ubiquitous Device