- Anion-exchange Behavior of Rf in HCl and HNO_3 Solutions
- Production and Decay Properties of ^111 and its Daughter Nuclei(Nuclear Physics)
- Elution Curve of Rutherfordium (Rf) in Anion-Exchange Chromatography with Hydrofluoric Acid Solution
- Decay Studies of Neutron-deficient Am, Cm, and Bk Nuclei Using an On-line Isotope Separator
- Rapid Chemical Separation for Bk
- Status and Prospects of Heavy Element Nuclear Chemistry Research at JAERI
- Fission Characteristics of Individual Deformation Paths in Heavy Elements
- Production Cross Sections of ^Rf and ^Db in Bombardments of ^Cm with ^O and ^F Ions
- Systematic Studies of Asymmetric Mass Distributions in Proton-induced Fission of Actinides
- Anionic Fluoro Complex of Element 105, Db
- 中央カリマンタン, マンクトゥップ川集水域のラヘイ周辺での泥炭の分布と化学特性
- AtVAM3 is Required for Normal Specification of Idioblasts, Myrosin Cells
- Relation between Cu L X-Ray and Cu 2p Photoelectron in YBa_2Cu_3O_y
- Larval antigen molecules recognized by adult immune cells of inbred Xenopus laevis : Partial characterization and implication in metamorphosis
- NMR-ON Studies of the Magnetic Hyperfine Field at ^La in Fe
- NMR-ON Studies on the Magnetic Hyperfine Field at ^La in Fe
- Nuclear Spin Relaxation of Extremely Dilute Impurities using Brute-Force NMRON
- Short- and Intermediate-Range Structures of Liquid Rb-Se Mixtures(Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- Immunohistochemical demonstration of oxytocin-like, neuropeptide Y-like and gonadotropin-releasing hormone-like substances in the hypothalamo-hypophysial system of Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, in osmotically different environments
- Immunohistochemical Localization of Neuropeptides in the Cephalic Ganglion of the Land Crab Chiromantes haematocheir