- Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Synthetic Diamond Single Crystal at Low Temperatures
- 海馬CA1野フィードバック抑制回路の可塑性の可能性
- オプティカルレコーディングを用いた海馬CA1野の時間パターン刺激に対するLTP, LTD空間分布の計測
- 時間パターン刺激による海馬長期増強・抑圧の空間分布
- 海馬CA1野のLTP誘起におけるバースト刺激の効果
- Fundamental Equations of Electro-Acoustic Conversion for an Interdigital Surface-Acoustic-Wave Transducer by Using force Factors : SAW and Communication Device
- Energy Loss and Straggling of High-Energy Electrons in Silicon Detectors
- An Analysis of an Equivalent Circuit Model for an Interdigital Surface-Acoustic-Wave Transducer : SAW and Communication Devices
- Investigation of Impulse Response for an Interdigital Surface-Acoustic-Wave Transducer : SAW and Communication Devices
- Investigation of a SAW Resonator for a Voltage Controlled Oscillator : SAW and Communication Devices
- The Energetic Particle Spectrometer HEP onboard the GEOTAIL Spacecraft
- Procedure Level Data Flow Processing on Dynamic Structure Multimicroprocessors
- Mass and Energy Limit of Isotope Identification of Heavy Ions Using ?E-E Silicon-Detector Telescope
- 時間パターン刺激に対する海馬LTP, LTD空間分布の光計測
- 時空同パターン刺激に対する海馬LTP空間分布の光計測
- Observations of Ultraheavy Cosmic Ray Particles with Z>45 at 10 GV Geomagnetic Cutoff Rigidity
- BvP neurons exhibit a larger variety in statistics of inter-spike intervals than LIF neurons
- A-2-17 時間相関入力を受けたsupercritical Hopf分岐型ニューロンのスパイク統計(A-2.非線形問題,一般講演)
- Level Crossings of Phase of Sine Wave Plus Gaussian Noise
- Experimental Results on the Level Crossing Intervals of the Phase of Sine Wave Plus Noise