Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association | 論文
- 分娩時における母馬と子馬の血漿中のス-パ-オキシド消去活性の変化
- Gene Dropping Analysis of Ancestral Contributions and Allele Survival in Japanese Thoroughbred Population
- 競走馬の骨折肢にみられた軟部組織病変
- Easy Method for Measuring the Water Content (%) of the Hoof Horn
- 二重光子吸収測定法による競走馬の第三中手骨の骨密度測定--単一光子吸収法との比較
- 道路輸送に対するサラブレッド馬のストレス反応,特に輸送熱に関して
- A Study on the Presence of Ferritin-binding Proteins in Fetal Horse Plasma
- Identification of Horse Anti-Ferritin Autoantibody
- Correlation of Serum Igg Concentration in Foals and Refractometry Index of Dam’S Pre and Post Parturient Colostrums: An Assessment for Failure of Passive Transfer in Foals
- Serum Zinc Levels and Their Relationship with Diseases in Racehorses
- Characteristics of Respiratory Function during Swimming Exercise in Thoroughbreds.
- Relationship between the Placental Retention Time and the Reproductive Performance at the Foal Heat in Thoroughbred and a Comparison with Heavy Draft