Environ. Eng. Osaka Univ. | 論文
- Effects of High Concentrations of Energy Sources and Metabolites on Suspension Culture of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells Producing Tissue Plasminogen Activator
- Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Selenate-Reducing Bacterium, Bacillus sp. SF-1
- Effects of Inoculation of a Genetically Engineered Bacterium on Performance and Indigenous Bacteria of a Sequencing Batch Activated Sludge Process Treating Phenol
- Biosurfactant Production from Acetic Acid as a Strategy for Waste Sludge Utilization
- Decolorization of Heat Treatment Liquor of Waste Sludge by the White Rot Fungus Coriolus hirsutus
- Manganese-Independent and -Dependent Decolorization of Melanoidin by Extracellular Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxidases from Coriolus hirsutus Pellets
- Analysis of Nocardia amarae Profiles in Actual Foaming Activated Sludge Plant with Viable Cell Count Measurement
- Factors Affecting the Survival of Exogenous Bacteria in Microbial Ecosystems:Existence of Indigenous Bacteria with Antagonistic Activity
- Characterization of Pseudomonas stutzeri NT-I capable of removing soluble selenium from the aqueous phase under aerobic conditions(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Biotreatment of Selenium Refinery Wastewater Using Pilot-Scale Granular Sludge and Swim-Bed Bioreactors Augmented with a Selenium-Reducing Bacterium Pseudomonas stutzeri NT-I
- Microorganisms in landfill bioreactors for accelerated stabilization of solid wastes
- Transfer of Antibiotic Multiresistant Plasmid RP4 from Escherichia coli to Activated Sludge Bacteria