Energy Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd. | 論文
- Fluorometry of UO22+ ion in nitric acid solutions.
- Chemical state and deposition rate of nickel ion deposit produced on heated surface in high pressure boiling water.
- Logic Verification System for Power Plant Sequence Diagrams.
- Method for determination of saturated temperature with automatic plugging indicator.
- Using anemometer for particle size measurement of sodium mist.
- Development of fluctuation monitor type sodium ionization detector.
- Radiolytic environments in boiling water reactor cores.
- Structural material anomaly detection system using water chemistry data. II Prediction model of dose rate around recirculation pipes in iron crud suppressed BWR.:Prediction Model of Dose Rate around Recirculation Pipes in Iron Crud Suppressed BWR
- Radiolysis of N2-H2O systems.
- Three-dimensional transient heat conduction analysis with non-linear boundary conditions by boundary element method.
- Development of computer program for analyzing three-dimensional pressure field in pressure suppression system.
- Mechanistic model of slugging onset in horizontal circular tubes.
- Application of BWR simulator to neutronics calculation tool in fast reactors.
- Matrix method for vibration analysis of jet pumps.
- New approach to neutron-induced transmutation, radioactivity and afterheat calculations and its application to fusion reactors.
- High sensitivity on-line monitor for radioactive effluent.
- Estimation of metabolic parameters for inhaled radioactive aerosols.
- Estimation of dosimetric parameters from inhaled activity distribution in human body.
- Algorithm for cause analysis using cause consequence model.
- Energy Response of Neutron Area Monitor with Silicon Semiconductor Detector.