Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo | 論文
- The ^3He/^4He ratio of the new internal He Standard of Japan (HESJ)
- Co-seismic slip, post-seismic slip, and aftershocks associated with two large earthquakes in 1996 in Hyuga-nada, Japan
- Argon isotope ratio of the plume-source deduced from high-resolution stepwise crushing extraction
- Prediction of stress field in Japan using GPS network data
- On optimal geodetic network design for fault-mechanics studies
- Establishment of the three-dimensional kinematic reference frame by space geodetic measurements
- Crustal strain field in the Deccan trap region, western India, derived from GPS measurements
- Real-time observation of tsunami by RTK-GPS
- Multicomponent observation of crustal activity in the DPRI 800m borehole close to the Nojima Fault
- Strain and tilt changes measured during a water injection experiment at the Nojima Fault zone, Japan
- P26 Time domain electromagnetic modeling of 3-D resistivity structure for a borehole observation system
- The geochemistry of MORE in proximity of Rodriguez triple junction
- Monogenic volcanoes of Patagonian back-arc province, southern Argentina
- Deep seismic reflection profiling across the Northern Fossa Magna : The ERI 1997 and the JNOC 1996 seismic lines, active faults and geological structures
- O-152 Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling across the Northern Fossa Magna : the ERI 1997 and the JNOC 1996 Seismic Lines, Active Faults and Geological Structure model
- ^U-^Th radioactive disequilibrium in the northern Izu arc : (^Th/^Th) in the sub-arc mantle
- Teh Bright Spot and Growth Process of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake
- Interpretation of various slip modes on a plate boundary based on laboratory and numerical experiments
- Determination of ^9Be in geological standard samples, JA-2 and JB-2, and of ^9Be and ^Be in a basaltic rock sample for evaluation of uncertainty involved in ^Be/^9Be ratio measurements
- An efficient boundary integral equation method applicable to the analysis of non-planar fault dynamics