Divison Of Biological Science Graduate School Of Science Nagoya University | 論文
- Study on the Role of ATCR4,the Arabidopsis Homolog of Maize CRINKLY4 in Epidermis Differentiation
- The ALE1 gene is involved in endosperm development and epidermal differentiation in arabidopsis
- The role of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES 2(AS2)gene of Arabidopsis thaliana in leaf development
- Characterization of a member of the AN subfamily, IAN, from Ipomoea nil
- 核内倍加による細胞肥大と植物のサイズ制御
- Taxonomic Notes on Cayratia tenuifolia (Wight & Arn.) Gagnep., Vitaceae
- Intra-specific Polyploidy and Possible Occurrence of Some Genetic Types for Pollen Development in Cayratia japonica, Vitaceae.
- Microarray analysis of compensated cell enlargement in angustifolia3
- Effect of the WUS (JAM) gene on the regulation of leaf identity in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Characterization of a dehydrogenase motif and an uORF in Arabidopsis ANGUSTIFOLIA gene
- 腐生植物Monotropastrum humile var. glaberrimumの菌根菌の分子マーカーによる同定
- A novel feature of structural variegation in leaves of the tropical plant Schismatoglottis calyptrata
- Compensated cell enlargement occurs post-mitotically and is achieved by several different mechanisms
- Classification of compensated cell enlargement by the extra-small sisters mutations
- Dissection of Enhanced Cell Expansion Processes in Leaves Triggered by a Defect in Cell Proliferation, with Reference to Roles of Endoreduplication
- Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Morphological and molecular variation in Mitchella undulata, with special reference to the systematic treatment of the dwarf from Yakushima
- Analyses of transgenic or mutant plants with altered leaf thickness
- ギンリョウソウ(Monotropastrum humile)の分類的位置の再検討--glaberrimum変種に注目して
- Chromosome Observations in Species of Cayratia (Vitaceae). II. Intraspecific Polyploidy in C. trifolia