Division of Food Chemistry, National Institute of Health Sciences | 論文
- Content and Composition of Isoflavonoids in Mature or Immature Beans and Bean Sprouts Consumed in Japan
- Effects of the Oral Administration of Green Tea Polyphenol and Tannic Acid on Serum and Hepatic Lipid Contents and Fecal Steroid Excretion in Rats
- Effects of Quercetin and Rutin on Serum and Hepatic Lipid Concentrations, Fecal Steroid Excretion and Serum Antioxidant Properties
- Water Content Using Karl-Fisher Aquametry and Loss on Drying Determinations Using Thermogravimeter for Pesticide Standard Materials
- Analysis of Proanthocyanidins in Grape Seed Extracts, Health Foods and Grape Seed Oils