Division Of Biotechnology And Molecular Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Hokkaido University | 論文
- 幽霊
- Application of 4-Iodophenol-enhanced Luminol Chemiluminescence to Direct Detection of Horseradish Peroxidase Encapsulated in Liposomes
- Nonvolatile and Shape-Memorized Bacterial Cellulose Gels Swollen by Poly(ethylene glycol)
- Correlation of Connexin43 Expression and Late Ventricular Potentials in Nonisehemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Decreased Expression of Gap Junction Connexin43 Is Closely Associated with Life Threatening Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias and Late Potentials in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Usefulness of Beat-to-Beat QT Dispersion Fluctuation for Identifying Patients with Organic Heart Disease at Risk for Ventricular Arrhythmias
- Altered Expression of Gap Junctional Protein Connexin43 In Non-Ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy With Ventricular Tachycardia
- 金属キレートポリマーを導入したミセル水性二相分配法におけるヒスチジンタグ融合チトクロムb_5及びオリゴペプチドのアフィニティー分配
- Identification of Functional Block Line in Atrial Flutter Using Three-Dimensional Intracardiac Echocardiography
- P-50 3次元微小流体ネットワークを用いた変異原物質のオンチップ生物発光レポーターアッセイ(ポスター(1))
- O-13 3次元微小流体ネットワークを用いた変異原物質のオンチップ生物発光レポーターアッセイ(一般演題:口演(2)-DNA損傷・抗変異原・小核・試験法の開発-)
- リポソームに内封したペルオキシダーゼを触媒に用いるフルオレセイン化学発光による過酸化水素の定量(ナノ空間と分析化学)
- 変異原物質のオンチップバイオアッセイ
- Triton X-114を用いるミセル水性二相分配法による膜タンパク質の抽出に及ぼす荷電水溶性ポリマーの添加効果
- Selective Uptake of Copper(II)and Zinc(II)Ions Using Liposomes without Ionophores
- Preconcentration of Catecholamines into Liposomes with Imposed pH Gradients
- ペルオキシダ-ゼを触媒とするアゾ色素の退色反応における活性化剤
- Field Screening Test for Iron Leached from Well Bore Rock Samples by Using Color Development of Iron (III) - Xylenol Orange System
- Highly Sensitive Visual Fluorometry of Aluminium at ppb Level with Ring - like Solid Phase of Poly (vinyl alcohol)
- A New Confined Spot Test with Hydrophobic Filter Paper and Its Application to the Visual Fluorometric Determination of Trace Aluminium with 2,2'-Dihydroxyazobenzene