Dept. of Radiat. Biol. | 論文
- P-129 チェルノブイリ放射能汚染地域に棲息する生物の体内核種動態と遺伝子へのストレス(ポスターセッション)
- 一般演題29 原爆被爆者の子供におけるマイクロサテライト突然変異のスクリーニング
- Transgenerational Effects of Radiation and Chemicals in Mice and Humans
- P-39 γ-H2AXを指標としたマウスの臓器、末梢白血球、scidリンパ腫株細胞におけるγ線誘発DNA2本鎖切断の定量的検出(ポスター(1))
- O-9 γ-H2AXを指標としたマウスの臓器、末梢白血球、scidリンパ腫株細胞におけるγ線誘発DNA2本鎖切断の定量的検出(一般演題:口演(2)-DNA損傷・抗変異原・小核・試験法の開発-)
- 安全の哲学
- Radioprotectors in Radiotherapy
- Germ-Line Mutations at a Mouse ESTR (Pc-3) Locus and Human Microsatellite Loci
- 135 Transgenerational Mutations in the Children of the Liquidators Who Worked for the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident(Effects of radiation exposures, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Bioloical condensation of radionuclides in the contaminated areas after Chelnobyl catastrophe
- Suppression of Chemically Induced or Radiation-Induced Tumorigenesis by Low Dose Rate Irradiation
- An attempt to develop a biodosimeter for detecting low dose and low dose rate radiation
- Analysis of p53, K-ras, c-kit, and β-catenin genemutations in sinonasal NK/T cell lymphoma in northeast district of China
- A Novel SCID Technology for Biomedical Studies in Human Tissues
- Sensitivity of the SCID fibroblasts to high and low dose rate gamma rays and damage recovery.
- Radiation-induced Mutations in Human Thyroid Tissues Maintained in the Improved SCID Mice.
- Photoreactivation of the first instar larvae in Drosophila
- Maternal effect of the pyrimidine dirnerphotolyase in Drosophila melanogaster.
- The photoreactivation from UV induced larval lethality of first instar in Drosophila melanogaster.
- Gene Mutations in Second Malignancies after Radiotherapy