Dept. Obst. and Gynec., St. Marianna Univ. Sch. Med. | 論文
- 398 The fetal abnormality screening with tumor markers.
- 383 Evaluation of chorionic villus sampling (CVS) by Fujinon flexible hysterofiberscope and investigation of infants after CVS.
- 107 Hyperthermochemotherapy in ovarian cancers and its effectiveness.
- 83 Change of antilipoperoxide mechanism in diabetic pregnant rats by administering vitamin E.
- 95. Hyperthermia in Female Genital Cancers and its Evaluation
- 463. Ovulation Induction by Pulsatile, Subcutaneous Administration of HMG-GnRH
- 436. Catecholamine Metabolites in Human Umbilical Cord Blood at Normal, Full-term Deliveries
- 69. Change of Lipid Peroxide and antilipoperoxide Mechanism in Diabetic Pregnant Rat and Diabetic Pregnant Rat with Vitamin E Deficiency
- 93. Effects of Tyrosine Ingestion on Circulating Concentrations of PRL and Mono-amine Metabolites in Humans
- 465 Assessment of amniotic fluid volume by amniotic fluid index (four quadrant method) and relationship of oligohydramnios to perinatal morbidity.
- 133 Effect of torehalose on cryopreservation of mouse 2 cell embryos.
- 58. The Activities of DNA Polymerases in Human Placenta
- 433. Clinical Investigation of Tubal Function by the New-styled Transuterine Instillation
- 7. Analysis of the Specificity on the Glucose Torelance of Pregnant Women
- 99.The Effects of Hormones on Lymphocytes : XVII Immunology(II)
- 139. Evaluation of the Maternal and Fetal γ-glutamyl Transpepridase(γGTP) and its Isozyme
- 182. Evaluation of γ-glutamyl-transpeptidase (γ-GTP) in Obstetrics
- 168 Usefulness of cordocetesis for rapid karyotyping.
- 530 Studies on rubella specific IgM in fetuses whose mothers had confirmed rubella in pregnancy.
- 110 Cordocentesis for diagnostic indications : Experience of 83 consecutive cases.