Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Showa Univ. Sch. Med. | 論文
- 213.Proline Hydroxylase Activity and Steroid Levels in Human Cervical Tissue in Relation to the Cervical Ripening : XXXVI Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(VI)
- 209.Metabolic Pattern of Pregnenolone Sulfate in Feto-placentomaternal Unit : XXXV Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(V)
- 46 A study on estimation of the condition in the mid-luteal endometrium with preovulate serum estradiol level.
- 181.Determination of Serum 16α-hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone (16DHA) , 16α-hydroxyestrone (16E_1) and Estriol (E_3) by Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry and their Pernatal Movement : XXXI Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(VII)
- Immunohistochemical Detection of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) with a New Monoclonal Antibody.
- 172 Study on the functional development of the fetal central nervous system by using the extra-uterine incubation of the goat fetus.
- 154.A Mechanism of Radioresistance in Uterine Adenocarcinoma Cells : XXVI Malignant Tumor(VI)
- 16. A Study on Assessment of Prognosis of Radiothrapy for Cacer of Uterine Cervix
- 18.Study on Radiation Effect for Cultured Cervical Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Special Reference to Quantitative Comparative Study According to Colony Formation Assay : III Malignant Tumor(III)
- 155. Histogenesis of Pelvic Endometriosis
- 105. Nucleic Acid Synthesis in the FGR Placenta of the Experimental Model
- 37.Studies on Influences of Methotrexate on Nuclear DNA and hCG Synthesis in Established Choriocarcinoma Cell Line : VI Ovarian Tumor and Trophoblastic Tumor(II)
- 296.Property on the Established Cell-line in vitro from Human Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumor : XXXXX Ovarian Tumor(I)
- 420 The use of activated carbon particle (CH44) for pelvic lymphadenectomy.
- 58 Ovarian function during postpartum period.