Dept. Obst. Gynec., Kyoto Prefectural Univ. Med. | 論文
- Steroid Hormone Responsiveness Stroma in Endometrial Cancer Tissue
- The Stimulation of Aromatase Activity in Human Endometrial Stromal Cells by Progestogen
- 180. The Effect of Biotin on the Progesterone Induced Synchronous Culture of HeLa-S_3 Cells
- 6. Antitumor Activities Evaluated by Combined DNA and Protein Cytofluorometry with Autoradiography
- 210. Cytofluorometric Measurements of Steroid Receptor and Nuclear DNA in Human Endometrial Cancer Cells
- 141. Quantitative Identification of Tumor Cells and Discrimination of Intraepitherial Neoplasia from Invasive Cervical Cancer by Combined DNA and Protein Cytofluorometry
- 187. Steroid Receptors and Tumor Associated Substances in Ovarian Tumors
- 211. Studies on Steroid Hormone Receptor in Ovarian Tumors
- 208. Binding of Estradiol to Purified Uterine Plasma Membranes
- The Aromatization of Norethindrone by Human Ovarian Speciments
- The Effect of Estradiol on Glycogen Synthesis in Endometrium
- 171. Antitumoral Activities of Tamoxifen and Medroxyprogeserone Actate in Colony-forming Assay and Steroid Receptor Levels in Endometrial Cancers
- Gate leakage reduction mechanism of AlGaN/GaN MIS-HFETs