Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Nara Med. Univ. | 論文
- 196.Theophylline Therapy for IUGR Pregnancy : XXXIII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(III)
- 80.A Study on the Constitutional Change of Taurine and other Free Amino Acids during the Fetal Development : XIV Fetus and Neonate(IV)
- 265. Intraperitoneal High-dose Cisplatinum Chemotherapy (CDDP-Ip) in Patients with Ovarian Cancer : Report II. Pharmakokinetics of Non-protein Bound Platinum and the Expansion of its Indication
- 185. Horizontal and Vertical Infection of Adult T Cell Leukemia Virus (ATLV)/HTLV-I
- 116.Immune Complex Levels and Complement Levels in Spontaneous Abortions and Normal Pregnancies : XIX Immunology(IV)
- Immunocytochemical Analysis of Megakaryoblasts with a Novel Monoclonal Antibody against Platelet Glycoprotein (F2-50).
- Influence of magnetic field on ferrite transformation in a Fe-C-Mo alloy
- 107. Postnatal Development and its Retardation Mechanisms of the Brain and Liver in Msp-induced IUGR Rats
- 461 Culture of human trophoblast cell and location of M-Colony stimulating factor.
- 306 Clinical significance of determination of serum manganese superoxide dismutase in ovarian carcinoma.
- 125. Analysis of Circulating Immune Complexes in Preeclampsia
- A New Adhesion System Designed for Easy Debonding and Tooth Preservation in Direct Bonding of Orthodontic Appliances : Controlled Adhesion Durability of Bonding Materials
- UBIQUITIN C-TERMIANL HYDROLASE-LIKE PROTEIN EXPRESSED IN THE TESTIS OF THE NILE TILAPIA, Oreochromis niloticus(Developmental Biology)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- SPERM SURFACE AUTOANTIGEN INVOLVED IN FERTILIZATION IN THE NILE TILAPIA(Oreochromis niloticus).(Developmental Biology)Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoologiacal Socistry of Japan
- 115 . Complex Release Activity of Complement (CRA) and Inhibitory Factor of Complement in Normal pregnancies