Department of Tourism Science Tokyo Metropolitan University | 論文
- Soil microorganisms have a threshold concentration of glucose to increase the ratio of respiration to assimilation(SSPN AWARD)
- Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Soils with Reference to the Aging Effect(Symposium 3.5.2 Risk Assessment and Risk Based Remediation,International Symposium: Soil Degradation Control, Remediation, and Reclamation, Tokyo Metropoli
- 第19回世界土壌科学会議報告 : カウンシルミーティング&ディビジョンミーティングなど(国内外資料)
- Performance of an Aeolian Materials Sampler for the Determination of Amount of Coarse Organic Matter Transported during Wind Erosion Events in the Sahel, West Africa(International Symposium: Challenges to Soil Degradation Towards Sustaining
- Factors Controlling Potentially Mineralizable and Recalcitrant Soil Organic Carbon in Humid Asia(International Symposium: Challenges to Soil Degradation Towards Sustaining Life and Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan University Symposium Series
- Factors Controlling in situ Decomposition Rate of Soil Organic Matter under Various Bioclimatic Conditions of Eurasia(International Symposium: Challenges to Soil Degradation Towards Sustaining Life and Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Univer
- Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen throughout Andisol, Spodosol and Inceptisol profiles under forest in Japan(Environment)
- カリウム飽和・乾湿処理によるスメクタイト質土壌のセシウム保持能の向上とその持続性 : スメクタイト質土壌とアロフェン質土壌の比較
- Distribution of Ultisols and Oxisols in the serpentine areas of East Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Biodegradation kinetics of monosaccharides and their contribution to basal respiration in tropical forest soils(Soil biology)
- "Fallow Band System," a land management practice for controlling desertification and improving crop production in the Sahel, West Africa. : 1. Effectiveness in desertification control and soil fertility improvement(Soil fertility)
- Temperature and moisture dependence of organic matter decomposition in soils from different environments, with special reference to the contribution of light- and heavy-fraction C
- Comparison of Different Soil Classification Systems Using 5 Profiles from Different Forest Ecosystems in Japan
- 16-24 半乾燥熱帯の畑作地におけるCO_2発生量および土壌炭素蓄積量に土地利用が与える影響 : タンザニア・モロゴロ県を事例として(16.畑地土壌肥沃度)
- 1-42 ^Cトレーサー法を用いた森林土壌におけるセルロース分解プロセスの速度論的解析(1.物質循環・動態)
- 1-12 森林生態系における溶存有機物の下方浸透量の定量評価(1.物質循環・動態)
- 13-4 酸性森林土壌における層間Alポリマーと四面体・八面体荷電の定量的関係(13.土壌生成・分類)
- Soil Acidification : Natural Processes and Human Impact (Special Issue : International Symposia : Land Degradation and Pedology : Land Degradation and Management : Tokyo Metropolitan University Symposium Series No. 2, 2011)
- 24-1 自然観と自然科学をつなぎ、土壌および共生を伝えるモデル : 鳥の目・虫の目・賽の目・類推・共感と環境科学教育(24.社会・教育)
- 13-10 侵食されにくいから急斜面が残った : 地形・侵食・地滑り・土壌生成の相互関係(13.土壌生成・分類)