Department of Systems Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology | 論文
- Statistical-Thermodynamic Study of Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Three-Dimensional Anharmonic Crystal Lattices : II. Continuum Approximation of the Basic Equations
- Statistical-Themodynamic Study of Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Three-Dimensional Anharmonic Crystal Lattices : I. Microscopic Basic Equations
- Solitary fibrous tumor with malignant potential arising in sublingual gland
- Asymptotic Probability Distribution Function of Longitudinal Velocity Increment in Incompressible Three-dimensional Turbulence(Electromagnetism, Optics, Acoustics, Heat Transfer, Classical Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics)
- Longitudinal Structure Functions in Decaying and Forced Turbulence : Classical Phenomenology and Applications
- Probability Density Function of Longitudinal Velocity Increment in Homogeneous Turbulence
- Conditional Averages and Probability Density Functions in the Passive Scalar Field
- A Suite of Hybrid Simulation Schemes for Nano-to-Micrometer Scale Processes at Solid-Fluid Interfaces(The 50th Anniversary of the Alder Transition -Recent Progress on Computational Statistical Physics-)
- Multiscale Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Solid Interaction
- Moenomycin-Resistance Is Associated with Vancomycin-Intermediate Susceptibility in Staphylococcus aureus
- Electron Kinetics in the Hot-Cathode Negative Glow of a Helium Discharge
- Electron Kinetics of Ionization Waves in Helium Positive Columns
- Time-Space Pattern and Dynamics Determined by Elementary Cellular Automata
- Spatial Structure of Electronegative Ar/CF_4 Plasmas in Capacitive RF Discharges : Nuclear Science, Plasmas, and Electric Discharges
- Spatial Profile Measurements of Charged Particles in Capacitively-Coupled RF (13.56MHz) Oxygen Discharges
- Gap Length Dependence of Electron Energy Distribution in Low-Pressure Ar Capacitively Coupled RF Discharges
- Analysis of Microsatellite Instability and Frameshift Mutation of TGFP Type Ⅱ Receptor Gene in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas
- Process Identification with a Flexible GARX Model
- Selection of Operating Modes in Abnormal Plant Situations
- A Design Method for Multivariable Control System with Integrity against Actuators Failures