Department of Radiology Akita University School of Medicine | 論文
- 0010 胃全摘後の食道静脈瘤に対し供血路である挙上空腸脚静脈の塞栓が奏効した1例(食道良性1,一般演題,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- 肩への鈍的外傷後に生じた動脈瘤の1例
- リザーバ留置による動注化学療法合併症の検討
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Chylothorax after Esophagectomy
- Superior Mediastinal and Neck Lymphatic Mapping in Mid- and Lower-Thoracic Esophageal Cancer as Defined by Ferumoxides-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Comparison of the MR Findings on Indirect MR Arthrography in Patients with Rotator Cuff Tears with and without Symptoms
- Comparison of Fast Spin-Echo and Conventional Spin-Echo Sequences in the MR Diagnosis of Rotator Cuff Tears
- Dual Phased Array Coils for High-Resolution MRI of the Shoulder
- Growth Patterns of Benign and Malignant Thyroid Tumors Estimated by CT
- Angiographic Anatomy of the First and Second Segments of the Maxillary Artery
- 4 Frenchシースを用いた経大腿動脈血管造影における3時間後早期歩行の安全性
- 肺内リンパ節の画像所見(第46回肺癌学会東北支部会 東北支部 支部活動)
- 気管支内発育を示した低悪性度腫瘍の画像所見(第46回肺癌学会東北支部会 東北支部 支部活動)
- A Case of Diabetic Mastopathy with Multiple Lesions Mimicking Breast Cancer
- Adenocarcinoid of the Appendix : Report of Two Cases
- Experience of intravenous digital subtraction angiography (IV-DSA) in evaluation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer
- Monotherapy with Paclitaxel as Third-Line Chemotherapy against Anthracycline-Pretreated and Docetaxel-Refractory Metastatic Breast Cancer
- CTによる正常肺実質の基礎的検討 : 肺野濃度・air trappingについて
- 腰椎分離症における骨SPECTの有用性の検討
- 呼吸運動下のMRIと肺血流・肺換気シンチグラフィとの対比