Department of Physics. Kyoto University | 論文
- Production of Two Single-Λ Hypernuclei by Ξ^- Capture : Particles and Fields
- Direct Observation of Sequential Weak Decay of a Double Hypernucleus : Nuclear Physics
- Evidence of Weak Decay of Heavy Double Hypernuclei
- Experimental Study of in-medium meson modification at the KEK 12 GeV PS(Hadrons at finite density)
- Measurements of Mass Modification of Vector Mesons in Nuclear Matter(§6. Mesons in Nuclei,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- Duality of a supersymmetric standard model without R parity
- Effects of an Inhomogeneous Temperature Distribution at the CMB on Polarity Reversals of the Earth's Magnetic Field
- Magnetic Field Reversal Resulting from a Dynamo Process in a Spherical Shell
- Probing Dynamical Symmetry Breaking Using Top Quark
- Simple E_6 Unification with Anomalous U(1)_A Symmetry(Particles and Fields)
- Deformations of N = 2 Dualities to N = 1 Dualities in SU, SO and U Sp Gauge Theories
- Treatment with 18 trisomies in our perinatal care center : Poster Sessions
- A Model with Simultaneous Dynamical Breaking of Supersymmetry and GUT Gauge Symmetry : Particles and Fields
- Anomalous U(1) Gauge Symmetry and Lepton Flavor Violation
- 27pSL-1 自然な大統一理論への道 : ニュートリノ大混合角、陽子崩壊から宇宙論まで(素粒子論領域)
- 大統一理論と超対称性 (特集 素粒子物理学の未解決問題--標準理論への挑戦)
- Supersymmetric SU(3)^3 Unification with Anomalous U(1)_A Gauge Symmetry
- Two-Loop Analysis of Gauge Coupling Unification with Anomalous U(1) Symmetry and Proton Decay(Particles and Fields)
- E_6 Unification, Doublet-Triplet Splitting and Anomalous U(1)_A Symmetry
- Gauge Coupling Unification with Anomalous U(1)_A Gauge Symmetry