Department of Physics and Chemistry Gakushuin University | 論文
- Very High Energy Nuclear Reactions and Alpha-Particle Model
- Grain Formation through Nucleation Process in Astrophysical Environment
- Collapse of the Quantised Hall Resistance and Role of the Diagonal Resistivity in the Quantum Hall Effect(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- The Effects of Temperature and Electric Field for the Photo-Generation of Free Carriers in Anthracene
- Experiments on Scaling Relation of Conductivities in Silicon MOS Inversion Layers in Strong Magnetic Fields
- 木曽川泥流のC^年代のヴュルム氷期年代学にたいする意義
- Recent Variation in the Atmospheric Radiocarbon and the Problem of Transfer of Radiocarbon into Hydrosphere
- Anderson Localization in Silicon MOS Inversion Layers at Low Densities
- A Note on the Theories Underlying the Polarimetric Study of Very Thin Dielectric Surface Layers
- Spiral Cleavage of Mica
- Half-Shade Device for the Precise Measurement of the Principal Angle of Incidence
- Adsorption of Water Vapour on a Cleavage Surface of Lithium Fluoride
- Negative Magnetoresistance and Inelastic Scattering Time in Si-MOS Inversion Layers
- Anomalous Magnetoresistance of Clean Cleaved Surfaces in InAs
- Spin-Orbit Interaction in Two Dimensiomal Systems in InAs n-Inversion Layers
- Anomaly of Pyroelectricity in Magnetite below 10 K^*
- Experimental researches on quantum transport in semiconductor two-dimensional electron systems
- Surfons and the Electron Mobility in Silicon Inversion Layers
- Anomalous Magnetoresistance in the Field Parallel to the Interface in Si-MOS Inversion Layers
- Angular Distribution Measurements of Photoemitted Electrons for InAs by Means of Magnetic Field