Department of Physics Tokyo University of Education | 論文
- Electron Plasma Oscillations in a Coaxial Discharge
- Deep Inelastic Structure of e-p Scattering and Relativistic Extended Particle Model Based on the Quark Model
- Further Study of the Reaction ^7Li(γt)^4He
- Nonleptonic Hyperon Decays
- Differential Cross Sections in Proton-Proton Scattering at 52.34 MeV
- Elastic Scattering of 24.6-Mev Alpha Particles by Au
- Extended Particle Model Based on the Quark Model with an Arbitrary Number of Quark-Anti-Quark Pairs
- The Real to Imaginary Ratio of the Forward Scattering Amplitude in Charge Exchange Processes
- Dual Resonance Model and Extended Particle Model with Arbitrary Number of Quark-Antiquark Pairs
- Electromagnetic Inelastic Form Factors of Processes ep→eN^* in a Relativistic Extended Particle Model Based on the Quark Model
- Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors at High Momentum Transfers in an Extended Particle Model Based on the Quark Model
- Structure and Excitation Mechanism of the N^* in Photoproduction γ+p→N^*
- The Experimental Test of the SU(3) Symmetry in the High Energy Two-Body Reactions
- Experimental Analyses of the SU(3) Symmetry in High Energy Two-Body and Quasi-Two-Body Scattering
- Emission of Light Fragments from Heavy Nuclei in High Energy Nuclear Reactions
- Reformulation of DWBA Form Factor for Heavy Ion Transfer Reactions
- Thermodynamic Behavior of a Model Hamiltonian for a Mixture of He^3 and He^4
- Generator Coordinate Method Applied to ^Ne
- Slow Neutrons in the Cosmic Radiation, I
- Diffractive N^* Productions in the Quark Model