Department of Physics Tokyo University of Education | 論文
- Pion Production Cross Sections by Neutrinos and Antineutrinos
- A Remark on the Symmetry Approaches to Strong and Weak Interactions
- A respiratory sensitization study by a new quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR)
- High Energy Limit of Vertex Function in Quantum Field Theory
- P-Wave Pion-Pion Interaction
- Low-Lying States of ^9Be Studied by the ^7Li(^3He,p)^9Be Reaction
- Study of the Excited States of ^4He through the ^4He(γ,p)^3H Reaction
- Ambiguity of ∂D_(x)/∂x^2 and Causality
- On the Possibility of the Existence of a New Meson
- A New Method of Increasing X-Ray Yield of Betatrons
- Discrimination of Charged Particles of Different Masses an Improved Method of Grain-Counting
- Yield of Photodeuterons from Nickel, Copper, Tin and Antimony
- Regge Pole Model with the Diffractive Correction. III : Diffractive Regge Pole Model and Conspiracy Relation
- M(12) and Vector-Meson Production at High Energy
- Application of the Sawada Transformation to Multichannel Problem
- Chiral Dynamics, Nonleptonic Decays of K Mesons and the Derivation of ΔI=1/2 Rule
- Relation between the Quadrupole Moments and the Widths of the Giant Resonance of Photonuclear Reaction
- Effects of Singlet Ground State on a Superconductor
- On the Intermediate Resonance Levels in the Nuclear Reactions
- SU(3) Chiral Dynamics