Department of Physics Tokyo University of Education | 論文
- Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of Nitrogen in Cyanuryl Chloride
- Anisotropic Impure Superconductor and Resonance Scattering
- Compton Scattering at High Energies
- Functional Integral Representation of the Green's Function for the Nambu-Miyamoto Equation
- Functional Integral Representation for the Green's Function of the Dual Resonance Model
- A Note on a Possible Avoidance of the Fixed Pole at J=0 in the Presence of the Ionization Point
- How to Construct Wave Equations When Mass Levels Are Known?
- On the Magnetic Susceptibility of FeF_2.
- Effects of the d-Electron Correlation on the Transition Temperature of an Anisotropic Impure Superconductor with Resonance Scattering
- The p-n Mass Difference Based on the Reggeized Tadpole Model
- On the Application of the Veneziano Amplitude to Electromagnetic Mass Differences of πand K Mesons
- Pole Approximation and Unitary Symmetry in Nonleptonic Hyperon Decays
- Remarks on the Form Factors in the K_ Decay Modes
- Geometrical Indication of Dips in Diffraction Pattern
- Lamb-Shift Polarized Ion Source with Spin Filter
- Localized Magnetic States in Superconductor
- Analytic Form of Multiple Scattering Amplitudes in the Regge Pole Model
- Scaling and Duality Scheme in Deep Inelastic Processes
- Fermi-Bose Similarity
- Comments on Quantum Field Theory of Tachyons