Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,tohoku University | 論文
- Pressure Effect on the Magnetic Properties of Ce(Fe_Co_x)_2(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Field-Induced Metamagnetic Transitions in S=3/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnets MCr_2O_4(Magnetization Plateaus, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
- Magnetic Phase Transition and Magnetization Plateau in Cs_2CuBr_4
- structural and Magnetic Properties of Ternary Rare Earth Compounds RPt(Au)Sb and RPd(Ni)Sn : Chapter 6. Magnetic Properties : 6-3. Low Temperature Measurements and magnetic Properties of New Ternary Rare-Earth Compounds
- Magnetic Properties of New Ternary Rare Earth Compounds RPt (Pd) Sb
- Study of Magnetic Excitation in Singlet-Ground-State Magnets CsFeCl_3 and RbFeCl_3 by Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation
- Resonant Photoemission and X-Ray Photoemission Spectra of UPd_2Al_3, UPt_2Si_2 and U_2PtSi_3
- Quadrupolar Ordering in YbSb Studied by ^Sb and ^Sb NMR(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- XPS and UPS Studies of Valence Fluctuation and Surface States of Yb_4As_3,Yb_4Sb_3 and Yb_4Bi_3
- Double Antiferromagnetism in Heusler-Type Alloys Fe_V_Si(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Anomalous Transport and Magnetic Properties in Fe_V_Si in Relation to the Origin of GMR(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Pressure Effects on Phase Transitions in Several Hexagonal Antiferromagnets of ABX_3 Type(Impurity and Pressure Effects, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
- H-T Phase Diagram of First-Order Valence Transtition in Yb_Y_xInCu_4 : an Experimental Observation on Falicov-Kimball Model
- Novel Field-induced Magnetic Transitions of GdMn_2Ge_2(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Far-Infrared Transmission Spectra of SmB_6
- Theoretical Calculation for the Fermi Surface Structures of CeSb in the Ferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic AFF1 Phases : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Pressure Induced Magnetic Transition of Mn_3Ga_Al_xC
- Magnetic Structure of MnB_2
- Unusual Magnetic Phase Diagram of Ce_xLa_B_6(x=0.5,0.75) Studied by the Magnetoresistance
- Magnetic Properties of the Dense Kondo Compound YbNiSn