Department of Physics, Waseda University | 論文
- Percolation in Aggregation of Granular Particles Formed by Sweeping Front Dynamics(General)
- Possibility of microwave localization to produce an experimental plasma fireball
- Influence on Observation from IR Divergence during Inflation. I : Single Field Inflation(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- Influence on Observation from IR Divergence during Inflation. II : Multi-Field Inflation(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- Classical Boson Wave Excitation Model and Multiplicity Distribution in High-Energy Hadron Collisions
- The Spin-Dependent Gluon Distribution in a Proton
- Hadron Electromagnetic and Weak Form Factors in the Minimal Boosted SU(6) Scheme of the Relativistic Quark Model
- Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction and Skyrme Model
- Multi-Jet Structure of Hadronic Final States and Trajectory Slope
- Trajectory Slopes in a Gauge-Dual-Topological Approach to Soft Hadronic Reactions
- Self-Consistent Scaling Model for Multiplicity Distribution and Semi-Inclusive Missing Mass Spectra
- Influence of Gauge Artifact on Adiabatic and Entropy Perturbations during Inflation(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- Optical Properties of Carotenoids in Photoreceptor Systems
- Leading Proton Spectrum in High Energy p-Nucleus collisions(Hadron-Nucleus Collisions,Proceedings of the Multiparticle Dynamics)
- Discrete Symmetries in Lorentz-Invariant Non-Commutative QED(Particles and Fields)
- Pomeron Slope vs. Reggeon Slope in Dual Multiperipheral Model
- Collective Excitations of Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Double-Well Potential(General)
- Amphoteric Charge Distribution at the Chromophore Binding Site of N-Retiny-Opsin Determined by Dynamic Fluorescence Quenching
- 授業実践報告 大人数の講義におけるICT機器活用の試み
- Constants of the Motion in Nondissipative and Dissipative Systems