Department of Physics, Tokyo University of Science | 論文
- Improvement in a Patient with Alcohol-Induced Liver Dysfunction with Biliary Stasis and Renal Damage Treated by Bilirubin Adsorption Therapy : Liver Disease
- The Effect of Different Membrane Materials on Patients with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Who Have Been Treating by Double Filtration Plasmapheresis(Hepatic Disease,General Presentation,Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Aphe
- Neural mechanism of impaired visuomotor coordination by sedative antihistamine : A human PET study
- Constraining Galileon Gravity from Observational Data with Growth Rate(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- Observation of Atomic Hydrogen Adsorption on the Cap of Carbon Nanotube by Field Emission Microscopy
- A Spectral Study of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1752-223 in the High/Soft State with MAXI, Suzaku, and Swift
- Gas Slit Camera (GSC) onboard MAXI on ISS
- Peculiarly Narrow SED of GRB 090926B with MAXI and Fermi/GBM
- Revisit of Local X-Ray Luminosity Function of Active Galactic Nuclei with the MAXI Extragalactic Survey
- MAXI GSC Monitoring of the Crab Nebula and Pulsar during the GeV Gamma-Ray Flare in 2010 September
- Long-Term Monitoring of the Black Hole Binary GX 339-4 in the High/Soft State during the 2010 Outburst with MAXI/GSC
- Discovery of a Cyclotron Resonance Feature in the X-Ray Spectrum of GX 304-1 with RXTE and Suzaku during Outbursts Detected by MAXI in 2010
- A Large X-Ray Flare from a Single Weak-Lined T Tauri Star TWA-7 Detected with MAXI GSC
- The First MAXI/GSC Catalog in the High Galactic-Latitude Sky
- In-Orbit Performance of MAXI Gas Slit Camera (GSC) on ISS
- Suzaku and XMM-Newton Observations of the Fornax Cluster : Temperature and Metallicity Distribution
- Suzaku Observations of Metal Distributions in the Intracluster Medium of the Centaurus Cluster
- Hepatosplenic and Muscular Sarcoidosis : Characterization with MR Imaging
- Unidirectional Electronic Structure in the Parent State of Iron-Chalcogenide Superconductor Fe1+\deltaTe
- Development of Near-Field Microwave Microscope with the Functionality of Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy