Department of Physics, Tokyo University of Education | 論文
- One-Dimensional Random Annealed Ising Spin System on the Site Model
- Photoprotons from Fluorine and Carbon
- Proton-Proton Bremsstrahlung at 51.8 MeV
- Zeeman Study on Nuclear Quadrupole Resonances in AsI_3 and AsI_3・3S_8
- β-spectra of Fe^, Rb^, Tc^, Cs^and the Coupling Constants of Scalar and Tensor Interactions in β-decay
- Pade Approximation to Ferromagnet with Anisotropic Exchange Interaction
- Theory of Magnetically Dilute Systems
- High Temperature Series Expansions of Susceptibility on the Layered Frustation Models
- Ferromagnetic-Nonferromagnetic Phase Boundary on the Two-Dimensional ±J Ising Model
- A Method of Recovering Extremely Deteriorated Si (Li) Detectors
- Ground State of Quantum Spin Glass with Infinite Range Interactions
- Ground State of Antiferromagnetic Quantum Spin Systems on the Triangular Lattice
- The Spin Wave Theory in Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model on Face Centered Cubic Lattice
- Superconductivity in Transition Metals with Nonmagnetic Impurities
- On the Excitation of the J^P=3/2^+ Decuplet and J^P=3/2^- Octuplet in the Neutrino Reaction on the Quark and the Cloud Models
- A Collective Description of the Surface Oscillation of Atomic Nuclei : Extension of Tomonaga's Method to Three Dimensional Nucleus
- Nature of the First Excited States of the Vibrational Even-Even Nuclei
- Application of the Coherent Potential Approximation to Impurity Problems in Superconductors. II : Classical Spin
- Transport Properties of Superfluid ^3He
- Theory of Ferro- and Antiferromagnetic Resonance Absorption