Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University | 論文
- Super-Hard X-Ray Emission from η Carinae Observed with Suzaku
- Millenium Study of SN 1006 with Suzaku(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku Observation of Diffuse X-Ray Emission from the Carina Nebula
- Probing the disk-jet connection of the radio galaxy 3C 120 observed with Suzaku
- Suzaku Observations of the North Polar Spur : Evidence for Nitrogen Enhancement
- Suzaku X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cassiopeia A
- Iron and Nickel Line Diagnostics for the Galactic Center Diffuse Emission
- Discovery of a Possible X-Ray Counterpart to HESS J1804-216
- Measuring the Broad-Band X-Ray Spectrum from 400eV to 40keV in the Southwest Part of the Supernova Remnant RX J1713.7-3946
- Suzaku Observation of TeV SNR RX J1713.7-3946(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku Detection of an Intense X-Ray Flare from an A-Type Star, HD 161084
- Discovery of a new X-ray transient source in the scutum region with Suzaku
- 1TA4-10 F1-ATPaseの温度高感受性待ち時間の一分子速度論解析(分子モーター,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P-143 F1-ATPaseの温度高感受性待ち時間の一分子速度論解析(分子モーター,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Suzaku Spectroscopy of Extended X-Ray Emission in M 17
- Dynamical Properties of Protons in KH_2PO_4 Studied by Incoherent Neutron Scattering
- Manipulation of Single DNA Using a Micronanobubble Formed by Local Laser Heating on a Au-coated Surface
- Influence of deformability of kraft pulp fiber surface estimated by force curve measurements on atomic force microscope (AFM) contact mode imaging
- Theory of Light Interstitials in BCC Metals. II. Localized Vibration Spectra of H and D on T-Sites in V, Nb and Ta
- Extreme value distributions of noncolliding diffusion processes (Spectra of Random Operators and Related Topics)