Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokai University | 論文
- 試料表面測定のための走査型トンネル顕微鏡の作製
- WWW用クーロンの法則に関する興味がわくビデオ教材の作成
- Study on Deep-drawing of Thermoplastic Resins : Influence of Hydrostatic Pressure to Stress Whitening
- One Proposition to Explain the Figure of the Galaxy
- Mathematica による物理シミュレーションの試み
- APFIMによるNi-Ti合金の変調構造の解析 : コンピュータ シミュレーションによるFIM映像
- Studies of Collective Properties in the Configuration j^4 with j=11/2
- Effects of Neutral Weak Current in Elastic Electromagnetic-Like Processes
- Regge Lore in the Constituent Particle Scattering
- Proton Structure Functions in Harmony with Cluster Model
- An Estimation of the Structure Function xF_3 in Neutrino-Proton Scattering
- Constituent Particle Scattering in the Regge Region
- Sector-Type Double Focusing Beta-Ray Spectrometer
- Dispersion and Intensification of Photographic Density in Films for Gamma-rays from Co^
- The Magnetic Hyperfine Field in Magnetic Materials
- Measurements of the Stark Shifts of Singly Ionized Argon Lines