Department of Physics, Aoyama Gakuin University | 論文
- Limitation of Mean Field Approximation for Carrier States and Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
- The Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of K_2SeO_4
- Critical Phenomena of Ferromagnetic Transition in Double-Exchange Systems : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Dielectric and Thermal Study of K_2SeO_4 Transitions
- 25pGS-8 全天X線監視装置MAXI : 運用開始1年7ヶ月の現状(25pGS X・γ線(大気チェレンコフ・X線衛星など),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- MAXI GSC Observations of a Spectral State Transition in the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1752-223
- 25pGS-9 MAXIによるカニパルサーのガンマ線フレアの同時観測(25pGS X・γ線(大気チェレンコフ・X線衛星など),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- フェルミ衛星がとらえたX線連星からのガンマ線放射
- フェルミ衛星が解き明かす「加速器」パルサーとパルサー星雲
- MULTIPLE MESON PRODUCTION IN 10^ eV REGION(Large P_T and Dilepton,Proceedings of the Multiparticle Dynamics)
- Electron-Phonon Coupling in an Itinerant Electron Ferromagnet
- Electron-Phonon Interaction Mechanism of Temperature Induced Ferromagnetism : II. LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS : Magnetism : Rare Earth etc.
- Remarks on the Numerical Calculation of the Incomplete Beta-Function Appearing in Sampling Plan
- Universality of Zipf's Law(General)
- Bright X-Ray Flares from the BL Lac Object Markarian 421, Detected with MAXI in 2010 January and February
- 18pSX-2 全天X線監視装置MAXIの新発見天体(18pSX X線(ASTRO-H他),宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- A new homologous series of oxycarbonae superconductors Sr_2(Ca,Sr)_Cu_n(Co_3)_(BO 3)_xO_y(n=1, 2 and 3)
- ガンマ線バーストと私
- The Effect of the Exchange Interaction on the Electron-Phonon Interaction in Metals
- A Spectral Study of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1752-223 in the High/Soft State with MAXI, Suzaku, and Swift