Department of Physical Science, Hiroshima University | 論文
- X-Ray Study of Ferrielastic Phase Transition in CsLiCrO_4 Crystal
- On the Origin of Galactic TeV Unidentified Sources(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Photopolarimetric Monitoring of Blazars in the Optical and Near-Infrared Bands with the Kanata Telescope. I. Correlations between Flux, Color, and Polarization
- Prominent Polarized Flares of the Blazars AO 0235+164 and PKS 1510-089
- Kalb-Ramond Interaction for a Closed p-Brane
- X-Ray Spectral Properties of Hot Gas Cavities around NGC 4636
- Chandra X-Ray Spectral Analysis of Cooling Flow Clusters, 2A 0335+096 and Abell 2199
- Extended Thermal X-Ray Emission from the Spiral-Dominant Group of Galaxies HCG 57
- Survey of Period Variations of Superhumps in SU UMa-Type Dwarf Novae. II The Second Year (2009-2010)
- Higher Order Calculations for d-Dimensional Lattice with d'-Dimensional Defect
- Bright X-Ray Flares from the BL Lac Object Markarian 421, Detected with MAXI in 2010 January and February
- Metallicity of the Fossil Group NGC 1550 Observed with Suzaku
- 23aEA-7 太陽風多価イオンの電荷交換反応(23aEA 原子分子(蓄積リング・多価イオン),領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
- A Static Model for the Continuum-Lowering of a Hydrogen-Like Ion as an Ultra-Dense Plasma Diagnostics : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Two-Dimensional Defect in Three-Dimensional Lattice : Local Critical Exponent η' Up to λ^3 in the Limit n→∞
- Quantum State during and after Nucleation of an O(4)-Symmetric Bubble : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Quantum Tunneling in Multidimensional Systems : General and Mathematical Physics
- Growth of Large-Scale Silver Lithium Niobate Single Crystals and Their Piezoelectric Properties
- Electron Charge Density Study of (Na1-xKx)NbO3 in Cubic Structure
- Direct Observation of Covalency between O and Disordered Pb in Cubic PbZrO3