Department of Pediatries, Nihon University School of Medicine | 論文
- Recent Change in the Annual Incidence of Childhood Type 2 Diabetes in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area
- 小児期発症1型糖尿病におけるインスリン、メトホルミン併用療法の有用性について
- A Case of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with Prader-Willi Syndrome during Growth Hormone Therapy
- Characteristics of a Fulminant Onset Form of Idiopathic Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Japanese Children
- Frequencies of factors of metabolic syndrome at diagnosis in children with T2DM
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a patient with Prader-Willi syndrome under growth hormone therapy
- Growth Hormone Effects in Two Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome
- Current Status of Unexpected Sudden Cardiac Death of Schoolchildren under School Supervision : Impact after the Enactment of ECG Screening for Schoolchildren
- A Novel Bioactive δ lactone FD-211 Taxonomy, Isolation and Characterization
- Changes in Glycemic Control and Quality of Life in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetics with Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion of Insulin Aspart Following Multiple Daily Injection Therapy
- Treatment for Childhood Type 2 Diabetes
- Effect of growth hormone therapy in two sisters with SHOX haploinsufficiency
- Eating Disorders in Patients with Juvenile-Onset Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus