Department of Pediatrics, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine | 論文
- Improved Emitter-Base Junction with In_2O_3 in Dielectric-Base Transistor
- Growth of Epitaxial CeO_2 Films on (1012) Sapphire by Halide Source Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Ramp-edge Josephson Junction with Indium-Tin-Oxide Barrier
- X-Ray Crystal Structure and Catalytic Properties of Thr252Ile Mutant of Cytochrome P450cam: Roles of Thr252 and Water in the Active Center^1
- Liquid-Liquid Direct Contact Heat Exchange Using a Perfluorocarbon Liquid for Waste Heat Recovery : Heat Transfer Characteristics Obtained with Perfluorocarbon Droplets Descending in a Hot Water Medium
- Detection of a Hydroperoxy-Heme Species Formed in the Reaction of Ferric Myoglobin with H_2O_2
- A novel approach to identify Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients for aminoglycoside antibiotics therapy
- Effect of Silicon Doping Profile on I-V Characteristics of an AlGaAs/GaAs Resonant Tunneling Barrier Structure Grown by MBE
- Serum KL-6 Level and Pulmonary Function in Preterm Infants with Chronic Lung Disease
- Management of diarrhea-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome in children
- 集学的治療により救命しえた Potter sequence の1例
- 神戸海星病院小児科外来のトラベルワクチン接種状況
- 神戸海星病院小児科外来における外国人医療
- バルプロ酸誘発高アンモニア血症に対するCPS1 4217C>A遺伝子多型の影響
- Deletion analyses of SMN1 and NAIP genes in Malaysian spinal muscular atrophy patients
- 分娩進行中に新型インフルエンザ(パンデミック(H1N1)2009)を発症した妊婦より出生した新生児の1例 : オセルタミビルの使用経験
- 特発性乳び胸, 肝結節性病変, 片側性多嚢胞性異形成腎を伴った重症胎児水腫の1例
- RAA系ホルモンの動態からみた一絨毛膜性双胎管理における体重差の意義
- 新生児感染症に対する超高速PCR装置を用いた迅速診断法の開発(第1報)
- パンデミックインフルエンザA(H1N1)2009を発症中に分娩に至った妊婦2症例における経胎盤感染の検討