Department of Ophthalmology, Osaka University Medical School | 論文
- The effects of binocular suture and dark rearing on the induction of c-fos protein in the rat visual cortex during and after the critical period
- A Case of Iridoschisis Associated with Plateau Iris Configuration
- A Case of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease Associated with Malignant Lymphoma
- Core Vitrectomy Preceding Triple Corneal Procedure in Patients at High Risk for Increased Posterior Chamber Pressure
- Surface Ionization of Na- and K- Compounds by a Single Filament Mass Spectrometry
- Relevance of the Serum Apolipoprotein Ratio to Diabetic Retinopathy
- Taxonomic Studies on Two Heliozoans,Echinosphaerium akamae sp.nov.and Echinosphaerium ikachiensis sp.nov.
- Expression of AMPA Receptor Subunit Proteins in Purified Retinal Ganglion Cells
- Morphology of the leucine-enkephalinergic (LE) system of the chicken retina with special reference to its fine structure.
- Evaluation of the relationship between background factors and sleep-disordered breathing in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy
- Foveal sparing in patients with Japanese Stargardt's disease and good visual acuity