Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo | 論文
- Remarkes on Relaxation Phenomena in Toroidal Discharge
- Computer Simulation of Ion Beam Extraction from a Free Plasma Surface
- Computer Simulation of Ion Beams for the Design of Three-Electrode Ion Extraction System
- Changes of Superconductivity and Crystal Structure on Ba_2YCu_3O_ by 1 MeV Ar^+ Ion Irradiation
- Mechanical, Thermal, and Tribological Properties of Amorphous Carbon Films
- Modeling of In-Pile Experiments on Tritium Release from Molten Lithium-Lead
- Activity Measurement for Surface Segregated Type 316 Stainless Steel by Mass Spectrometry and Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- Measurements of Thermodynamic Properties of Iron in Molten Silicon by Knudsen Effusion Method
- On the Special Issue on High Temperature Mass Spectrometry
- Compatibility of SiC/SiC Composite Materials with Molten Lithium Metal and Li16-Pb84 Eutectic Alloy
- Chemical Vapor Transport of Iron by Iodine Liberated due to Radiolysis of Cesium Iodide
- Thermal Power Regulation System for Pulsed Fusion Reactor
- Development of Numerical methods for simulation of Rapid Multi-Phase Interactions
- Ultra-low-q discharges in REPUTE-1.
- Magnetron-sputtered Hydrogenated Carbon Nitride: Structural and Optical Properties of As-deposited and Postannealed Films
- Considerations of fast neutron albedo for iron, concrete and iron-covered concrete slab.
- D-T neutron measurements on Gekko XII laser inertial fusion plasmas by multi-activation foil method.
- Surface effects in simultaneous ion- and gas-driven hydrogen isotope permeation of nickel.
- Evaluation of UF6 vapor release in postulated accident.
- Investigation of effect of pressure control system on BWR LOCA phenomena using ROSA-III test facility.