Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University | 論文
- Studies of the hydrous titanium oxide ion exchanger. V. The stability of the hydrogen form in air.
- Studies of the hydrous niobium(V) oxide ion exchanger. III. The effect of heat treatment.
- Pressure oscillation in subcooled decompression under temperature gradient.
- The phases formed by the dehydration of disodium zirconium(IV) bis(orthophosphate) trihydrate and their ion-exchange behavior.
- The synthesis of crystalline zirconium phosphate with large particle size by the direct-precipitation method.
- Double-differential neutron emission cross sections of 6Li and 7Li at incident neutron energies of 4.2, 5.4, 6.0 and 14.2 MeV.
- Effect of heat treatment of hydrous metal oxides on their cation-exchange selectivity.
- Studies of the hydrous niobium(V) oxide ion exchanger. V. Effect of heat treatment on the sodium isotopic exchange rates between hydrous niobium(V) oxide in Na+ form and aqueous solutions.
- Sodium isotopic exchange rate between disodium zirconium(IV) bis(orthophosphate) trihydrate and aqueous solutions.
- Deposition of protactinium in molten LiF-NaF-KF eutectic on solid alkaline earth oxides.
- Kinetics of Reduction of Np(V) by Hydroxylammonium Chloride in Perchloric Acid Solution
- Application of synthesis methods to two-dimensional fast reactor transient study.
- Studies of the hydrous silicon(IV)-titanium(IV) oxide ion exchanger. I. A method of synthesis and some properties.
- Studies of the hydrous titanium oxide ion exchanger. II. The equivalence of the exchange adsorption of cations and the dissociation constant.
- Studies on Cation Exchange Equilibria for the Uranyl-Hydrogen System